The Importance of Visiting Your Doctor

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Get the Stench off Your Feet: 3 Simple, Yet Most Effective Methods to Try

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Dealing with bad breath or dandruff that causes smelly hair can be disgusting, especially if you have friends that hang around you often. The bad smell from your mouth or hair doesn’t just make you look ‘loose’ on hygiene standards but also taints your image in a big way. But did you know the situation could be worse if the stench wafted up from your feet? Bromodosis is a medical condition that causes smelly feet, and it involves the thousands of sweat glands on the feet.…

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Three Things You Should Do To Prepare Your Child For School

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Sending your kid out in the big wide world is a nerve wracking experience for any parent. The best you can do is to prepare them as much as you can for what they might face. Schools are generally very good at introducing your child to academic pursuits as well allowing them to expand their social horizons. However, they can be hard to transition into for young children. Luckily there are a lot of things you can do to help ease this move and ensure they are safe as they go to school on their first day.…

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Three Early Signs of Hearing Loss

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Loss of hearing is one of the invisible health conditions that affect the general population. Some people overlook the early warning signs that they are losing this sense, while others hardly notice. Unfortunately, there is a level at which damage to the hearing sense becomes irreparable. The main challenge with loss of hearing is that it does not occur overnight, which makes it very hard to monitor and treat. However, if you learn to look out for these early signs, you will know when to seek professional help.…

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Your Guide to Where You can Get a Skin Check

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Skin cancer is a scary thought. As with many areas of medicine, prevention is usually better than cure. In addition to protecting your skin against harmful UV rays, you need to think about undergoing a skin check. By understanding more about where you can get one and what they involve, you can take greater control of your skin’s health. Checking your skin at home Checking your skin at home is easy.…

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Reasons Why You Should Go for a Regular Medical Checkup

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We have all heard the popular adage: prevention is better than cure. And, this saying still applies, especially when it comes to regular medical checkups. People who go for regular medical checkups can easily detect diseases in their earlier stages and gain easy access to more affordable and relaxing treatment procedures. For example, if cancer is detected while it is still in the early stage, it can be cured effectively. …

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Important Things You Need to Know About Skin Cancer

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Australia has quite a number of skin cancer cases, and it is crucial to know some important things to be safe. These things range from knowing who is at risk to the behaviours or conditions that may lead to skin cancer. Keep this in mind and be safe. Who Is at Risk of Skin Cancer? Everyone is at risk of getting skin cancer, but there are individuals who are at more risk.…

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6 Tips for When You Break a Dental Crown

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Dental crowns are normally very durable, but if you bite too hard, it is possible for a crown to crack or fall out. Here are a few tips you can follow to resolve this problem if it happens to you.  1. Keep the Crown Safe If your dental crown is loose, remove it and put it in a safe place. An emergency dentist might be able to reattach the crown if you keep it safe.…

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2 tips to keep in mind if you plan to have a massage to help your sports injury

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Many people seek out the assistance of massage therapists when they sustain sports injuries. If you have been injured in this manner and have decided to have massage therapy to help you recover, here are some tips that you should keep in mind when you go to your appointment. 1. Tell the massage therapist immediately if you experience any sharp pain If you feel any type of sharp, intense pain whilst the massage therapist is touching you, you should alert them to this issue immediately.…

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How a Disability Care Assistant Can Help You Live an Active Life Despite Your Disability

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A physical disability does not have to hold you back in life. With the right tools and assistance, you can achieve anything or do anything you set your heart on. Stevie Wonder was born blind yet went on to become one of the greatest musicians of all time. Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, earned a college degree and published 12 books. These people have two things in common: they didn’t allow their disability to prevent them from living how they wanted to, and they had a personal carer or nurse to assist them each day.…

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5 Reasons Why Men Need to Visit the Doctor

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Most men consider themselves masculine and healthy. As such, they see no reason to visit a doctor unless they are ill. This is unlike women who will visit the doctor when pregnant or when getting contraceptives. Besides, they also need regular screening for diseases such as breast and cervical cancer. As a man, it is critical that you visit a doctor for regular check-ups. Below are a few reasons why.…

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